The following publications have not been designated as standards but they may be used as guides to acceptable practice:
(1) "Accuracy of the Recording Gas Calorimeter When Used with Gases of High BTU Content," by John H. Eiseman, National Bureau of Standards, and Elwin A. Potter, Gas Inspection Bureau of the District of Columbia, AGA Publication No. CEP-55-13.
(2) "Orifice Metering of Natural Gas," Report No. 3 of the AGA Gas Measurement Committee.
(3) Reports prepared by the Practical Methods Committee of the Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course, West Virginia University, as follows:
a. Report No. 1, "Methods of Testing Large Capacity Displacement Meters."
b. Report No. 2, "Testing Orifice Meters."
c. Report No. 3, "Designing and Installing Measuring and Regulating Stations."
d. Report No. 4, "Useful Tables for Gas Men."
e. Report No. 5, "Prover Room Practices."